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Welcome to our massive collection of brilliant free online games and puzzles featuring Nintendo's Super Mario Brothers and Sega's Sonic the Hedgehog! Here at MarioSonicGames.com we aim to always provide you with the very best Mario and Sonic Flash and Java games from around the world wide web, plus top quality games made exclusively for this site.
But that's not all - in addition to all the great games, there are also lots of special pages of Mario and Sonic animated GIFs and sprites, wallpaper pictures, MP3 music, sound effects and more for you to enjoy! And on this site's Fun and Games Page 2 there are even more free Mario and Sonic online games, plus other Nintendo and Sega gaming classics such as The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Duck Hunt, Pokemon, Megaman, Puyo Pop Fever and Super Monkey Ball. There's even a Crash Bandicoot game there too!
If you want to find something specific, you can use to search this site:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
MarioSonicGames.com Exclusive Games Page  (Super Mario Bros. and Sonic the Hedgehog games made specially for this site)
Cartoons, Movies and TV Fun and Games Website  (featuring Star Trek, Shrek, Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney/Pixar, Looney Tunes, Scooby-Doo, SpongeBob, Garfield and more)
Mario and Sonic Fun and Games - Section 1
Click on the images below to start the corresponding Flash and Java Applet fun and games:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
Here are 12 special fun pages related to the above Mario and Sonic games and puzzles:
[The above special fun page includes the following online fun and games:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
[The above special fun page includes the following online fun and games:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
Mario and Sonic Fun and Games - Section 2
Click on the images below to start the corresponding Flash and Java Applet fun and games:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
Play over 500 completely FREE Flash and Java online arcade games and puzzles, also including free multimedia and downloads - visit the FREE Online Fun and Games Site
are some Super Mario Brothers and Sonic the Hedgehog bonuses for you:
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games
on the image below to start a Java Applet simulation of the Nintendo GameBoy with 30 fully-playable original GameBoy games, including favourites such as Super Mario Bros., Megaman, Zelda, Bubble Bobble, Tetris, Star Wars and PoKeMoN:

on this link to start a different Java Applet Nintendo GameBoy simulation, with the Dr. Mario game.
Go to MarioSonicGames.com's Page 2 to play even more brilliant free games,  including more Mario and Sonic games, plus other Nintendo and Sega games

updated: October 2021.)
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copyright © 2007 - 2021 MarioSonicGames.com
Try these other versions of some of the most popular games in this site:
Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario Flash,
Super Mario Brothers: Super Mushroom Mario,
Super Mario Brothers: Super Mario Sunshine 64,
Super Mario Brothers: New Super Mario Flash,
Sonic the Hedgehog: Ultimate Flash Sonic,
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic on Angel Island,
Sonic the Hedgehog: Shadow the Hedgehog Flash,
Sonic the Hedgehog: Sonic Rush Adventure Flash